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Ukrainians in the USA Organized Discussion on Russian Wartime Violence against Ukrainians

The UNWLA, New Jersey Regional Council and the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO) sponsored a panel discussion titled “Evidence And Experiences of Russian Wartime Violence against Ukrainians: Taking an Activist Stance” that highlighted the experiences of individuals, both military and civilians, impacted by Russian violence in Ukraine. The event was hosted at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey.

Among the speakers were four women with extensive experience in dealing with the effects of Russian aggression on human rights: three of them prisoners of war who survived capture and extensive torture to tell their stories. These heroines are now actively working to bring forth the brutality of sexual violence used by russia as a war strategy and to document survivor stories.

Shown at the event was the third segment of a film titled “Sexual Violence of the Russian Army in Ukraine.” The film documents these war crimes, specifically the use of sexual violence against the Ukrainian people. 


