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Global Ukraine Card

Global Ukraine Card - Your FinTech in Europe

For Ukrainian entrepreneurs, expats, refugees and everyone living in Europe, the Global Ukraine Foundation has created the Global Ukraine Card. The registration process is simple and fast. The main condition: to have Ukrainian documents and an address in Europe (permanent or temporary) to open an account.

Open your account right now! Manage finances conveniently and easily, like at home!

Global Ukraine University Campus in Africa

In 2023, the first  Global Ukraine University Campus will be launched. Universiapolis (Agadir International University), the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, the Global Ukraine Foundation and 8 Ukrainian universities implement this project. The consortium will be physically established in Agadir (Morocco) and subsequently elsewhere in Morocco and/or Sub-Saharan Africa. The consortium has the opportunity to provide training and practice for 2,000 foreign students of Ukrainian universities within the framework of academic mobility. Educational programs will be read by both Ukrainian and foreign lecturers.

обрізане фото диплом

Franco-Ukrainian Diploma

In 2022, the "Echanges Lorraine Ukraine" Association and the Global Ukraine Foundation launched a joint educational project, thanks to which Ukrainian students of the 3rd year of study can receive a Franco-Ukrainian diploma in the specialty "International Management and Trade". Bachelors have the opportunity to study at the IAE Metz School of Management, which was established in 1988 and to this day offers its 1,400 students every year training courses for higher education.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, more than 40 talented Ukrainian students profited the opportunity to receive a Franco-Ukrainian diploma. Now the application process for 2023-2024 study year is taking place.

Global Ukrainians are real and extremely active people's diplomats who represent and defend the interests of Ukraine in the world.

Бізнес форум

Бізнес форум "Візія України 2030" відбудеться у Києві

by Global Ukraine on 2024-07-12 15:15:43

24 липня відбудеться бізнес-форум "Візія України 2030". Організатори заходу - консалтингова компанія Сrowe...

Global Ukraine Card представили на заході в Брюсселі

Global Ukraine Card представили на заході в Брюсселі

by Global Ukraine on 2024-07-02 16:52:36

28 червня відбувся Seven Camp Demo Day в Брюсселі на Station Europe. У події взяло участь 13 інноваційних...

Українській діаспорі було присвячено цикл онлайн-лекцій

Українській діаспорі було присвячено цикл онлайн-лекцій

by Global Ukraine on 2024-06-27 16:41:07

16 червня розпочалася Міждисциплінарна франко-українська літня школа для студентів Чернівецького...