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A Ukrainian-Baltic Cultural Event Was Organized in Norway

On January 21, 2023, the Ukrainian community together with Baltic friends organized a Ukrainian-Baltic cultural event in Oslo: a friendly meeting to present the culture, traditions and cuisine of their countries.

Organizers: Ukrainian community in Norway, Norsk-estisk forening, Kulturlaget Norge-Latvija, Latviešu biedrība Norvēgīgium, Oslo Lietuvių Bendruomenė, FolkeMelodi, Folkloro ansemblis Gabija, Rahvatantsurühm Trondheimi Trollid, Rahvatants Oslos - Viikingid.

"I want to thank our Baltic friends for their support of Ukraine and for a wonderful evening. We, Ukrainians, felt incredible support from Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians! It was a real pleasure to organize a holiday in the circle of like-minded people. We had a great time with you," Julia Lunga mentioned on Facebook.

Photo: Julia Lunga.



