Top 40 Ukrainian channels on YouTube
For Ukrainians, it is now more important than ever to develop their own Ukrainian-speaking segment of the Internet, to popularize the Ukrainian language, culture, and Ukrainian interesting information resources.
This also applies to YouTube, where you can find many interesting Ukrainian-language channels on various topics for both children and adults.
Science and education
1. Alpha Centauri.
The channel was created by a group of enthusiasts who translate foreign science videos into Ukrainian. The main goal of the project is the popularization of science and the development of scientific thought.
2. NEED / science & education.
The authors of the channel explain familiar or new phenomena through the prism of science. NEED science & education broadcasts information in 3 main areas: socio-forming (political science, economics, philosophy and cultural studies); understanding the world (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and history); self-understanding (human biology, medicine, psychology).
3. LearningUa.
Science in simple words. On the channel you can find videos with experiments, popular science videos on physics, nature, video lessons on the Ukrainian language and mathematics.
An unusual channel that combines diverse videos. There you will find videos on the following topics: psychology, biology, philology, literature, culture. It will be interesting for older children and adults.
The author of the channel is a physics teacher from Rivne. The channel offers a large number of popular science and educational videos on biology, physics, astronomy, geography, mathematics, translated and voiced into Ukrainian.
6. Damn rationalist.
The channel offers popular science content. The author of the project debunks myths, promotes a scientific outlook, skepticism, rationalism and common sense, shares proven life hacks and invites famous scientists.
7. toBeUkrainian – Translate into Ukrainian.
The channel shows foreign videos with translation and voiceover in Ukrainian to practice English and native language. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other school subjects that seemed boring become favorites.
The channel is dedicated to space, technology and inventions: complex technologies are explained in simple words. And the channel also broadcasts videos about how Wikipedia is organized, about digital security, about how the solar system functions and pay attention to Ukrainian (and not only) history.
9. Notebook - science, creativity and learning Ukrainian..
On this channel you will find: interesting facts, tops; mathematics and informatics lessons; documentary and educational films; animated films and much more; DIY projects.
10. Your Underground Humanitarian..
The name comprehensively explains the essence of the project: on this channel you will find lectures, interviews and online discussions related to humanities in one way or another. Of course, such free wording frees the authors' hands in choosing topics that promise to be interesting.
About science available to children from fans of the Galileo science program.
12. UA dokumental.
Documentary, historical and popular science films dubbed in Ukrainian.
13. Documentary HD.
A channel with the best documentaries. The authors of the channel are not limited to one topic. The channel can have films on various topics: from history to cinema, from technology to wildlife.
14. Science and the universe..
On the channel, translations and dubbing into Ukrainian of popular science videos with the facts of modern research into space, man, and nature.
Ukrainian language and literature
15. Ambassador of Ukraine KULIKOVA Olga.
The author of the channel makes the Ukrainian language alive, modern, fashionable, and also explains literature simply and clearly. On the channel you can find videos about phraseology and phonetics, biographies of writers, literary works of the school curriculum and much more.
16. discourse.
Learning Ukrainian is easy and interesting! This is exactly what the channel's authors want to prove with their videos.
17. for all two hundred.
Preparation for the external examination in the Ukrainian language.
On the channel, the author tells interesting and unusual things about language and literature, but not only that. Because philology is not only about cramming rules or teaching at school. This is a state of mind that you really want to share with people.
100 video lessons of English from scratch. The author of the channel invites everyone who started, continues or finished learning English! The channel offers educational videos for different levels — from beginners to proficient.
The founder of the channel is an English teacher who lives in London. The channel was created in order to use something new for Ukraine that is widely used abroad, instead of stereotypical and traditional approaches to learning English.
Preparation for exams
21. iLearn.
Free educational gamified platform of the public union "Osvitoria" for preparation for NMT, ZNO and DPA, on which you will find webinars, online courses, tests and can practice.
22. Skileo - school of future.
The team of the platform has decided to provide free lessons on preparation for the ZNO, as well as full courses on Premiere Pro, to make learning easier and more interesting.
A channel about the history of Ukraine and the world without embellishments and falsifications. Video experts are professional historians, and the topics of the releases cover all periods and highlight political, military, economic history, the history of international relations, the history of culture, art and sports, biographies of prominent personalities.
The goal of the project is to disprove anti-scientific myths, fakes and stereotypes about Ukraine and Ukrainians, spread public interest in history, pride in the glorious past, victories and achievements of the Ukrainian people, promote the consolidation of Ukrainian society, and create a positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Every week, 2 new videos are released on the channel: "History without myths" and "10 questions to the historian".
24. Kozak UA.
The channel provides information about significant events in the history of Ukraine and the world, highlights interesting facts about prominent figures, conducts educational work to overcome stereotypes imposed on Ukrainians during the times of the Russian Empire and the USSR.
The authors of the channel prepare videos about little-known history, as well as videos about bright historical characters and selections of the most significant events.
Historian and journalist Vakhtang Kipiani, together with other researchers, will take you to the most diverse eras of Ukrainian history. On the channel you will find interviews with dissidents. The video reveals the details of life, food, clothes and habits, thanks to which you will be able to visit the Middle Ages, spend a day in Zaporizhzhya Sich or in a rebel hideout.
The author of the channel tells unknown stories about famous people. Who were they, what did they eat, who did they fall in love with and why did they suffer? How did their personal passions change your past and create the history we know? The channel "History for adults" will make the past great and interesting again!
28. Local history.
The main value for the authors of the channel is the Ukrainian identity - something for which it is necessary to know and understand the past. The authors destroy myths and stereotypes created not only by the occupying authorities, but also by the occupied society.
29. named after T. G. Shevchenko.
Here you will find interesting videos on the history of Ukraine (UPA, OUN, Cossacks, Flag, Coat of Arms, Anthem, Bandera, Shukhevich, Mikhnovsky, Atylo, Sirko, Shevchenko). Presenters: The Kapranov brothers are Ukrainian writers, publishers, publicists, public figures.
30. Oleg Kharchenko.
Short clips from the school history course.
Biology globally and in detail. On the channel you can find many videos about evolution, organic compounds, viruses and bacteria, reproduction of organisms, traditional and modern biotechnologies, methods of biological research, problems in genetics and molecular biology.
Video lessons will help students master the school curriculum, and graduates will help prepare for the biology exam.
32. Dovkolabotanika.
The channel is hosted by a Candidate of Biological Sciences, who is the author of the books "Alien Plants" and "Fruits Against Vegetables". The scientist popularizes botany.
Biological educational, literary and creative channel. All content is author's. The biology teacher motivates students to learn the subject in a fun, easy and affordable way.
34. Ruslana Barko.
Biology, natural science, chemistry lessons in interesting videos.
Mathematics, economics, physics
35. Top School.
Video lessons in mathematics from 4th to 11th grade and a little bit of physics.
At the moment, more than 320 video lessons have already been released on the channel. All lessons are author's. Correspond to the curriculum. They are made in the form of presentations, contain a theoretical part, solving examples and passing tests on the topic being studied.
The purpose of the channel: to revive such boring and distant figures and to give everyone the opportunity to thoroughly understand where their taxes go.
Geography and travel
37. Ukraїner.
Channel about expeditions and travels in Ukraine, discoveries, anthropology and ethnography.
"Tasty" channel, the content of which is built in the style of an animated series, which is based on real events. A great way to learn about history.
The authors like to search and explore traditional, authentic, interesting food typical of different countries on independent travels, and also delve into the regions and cities of Ukraine to reveal all its delicious diversity.
40. Hutsulandia.
Спочатку автор каналу поставив собі за мету щороку відвідувати хоча б три країни, аби до кінця життя відвідати 200 країн, але через пандемію відкрив для себе подорожі унікальними місцями України. Щотижня дослідники організовують експедиції в різноманітні високогірні села, де дізнаються більше про культуру та традиції наших предків, шукають мольфарів, майстрів народного побуту, музикантів на просто колоритних людей.
Around the world on bicycles with the whole family!
"Two-wheeled chronicles" is a real journey and real adventures, not a staged travel show with a film crew. Videos on the channel have been published since 2014, and since February 2017 they have been broadcast on television.
42. Hashchi
"Hashchi" is a video project that allows and even forces you to look at Ukraine in a different way; a project that shows the provincial Ukrainian backstage, which usually everyone else avoids, is ashamed of or simply doesn't notice.
Author: Anna Romanyk