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Free Books about the Holodomor-Genocide

Every year on the fourth Saturday of November Ukrainians commemorate victims of the Holodomor, the 1932–33 famine that killed millions in Ukraine. Traditionally, on this day Ukrainians attend memorial services and put up symbolic vessels of grain and light candles in memory of the victims of the Holodomor and other deadly famines in Ukraine.

It is especially important to convey the truth about the Holodomor-genocide of the Ukrainian people, which was made by the USSR, to the world community, to spread true testimonies about the tragic events. For this purpose, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance has posted several publications that can be downloaded for free.

1.  "Repressed" diaries. The Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine"

This is a collection of diaries and notes of seven Holodomor eyewitnesses who recorded what they saw, heard and experienced.


2. "Humanity in an inhuman time" (2nd edition)

This book tells about the benefactors who, in 1932-1933, helped Ukrainians to survive.


3. Testimony of the Holodomor by Anastasia Lysyvets "Speak of the Happy Life".


4. "On the other side of myself" Iryna Reva

This book is about the socio-psychological and cultural consequences of the Holodomor and Stalin's repressions.


5. "Family Memory"

It contains 16 stories of families that survived the Holodomor of 1932-1933.
