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Global Ukraine Card Was Presented at Event in Brussels

On June 28, the Seven Camp Demo Day took place in Brussels at Station Europe. 13 innovative startups took part in the event and presented their solutions in the fields of cyber security, media, drones, fintech, smart cities and other technologies. One of the participants of the event was the team of the startup Global Ukraine Card, which offers innovative financial solutions for Ukrainians in Europe.


«We were impressed by the startups' presentations, showcasing their unique value propositions and great potential for growth in the European market. The atmosphere was incredibly dynamic, with European investors, industry representatives, and strategic procurement bodies actively engaging with the startups to discuss collaboration opportunities», says Andrii Velts, Communications Manager of the Global Ukraine Foundation.

During the event, the Global Ukraine Card team shared their vision and unique solutions with the audience, received positive feedback and valuable advice for further growth and development.

Global Ukraine express our sincere gratitude to the organizers for such a wonderful event, as well as to the investors, partners, and participants for their support and interest. Your participation is extremely important for the success of these innovative startups. We also thank the Ukrainian Civil Society Hub for the beautiful venue! We look forward to the continued development of these outstanding companies and hope for new opportunities and collaborations.

Special thanks to: Seven Camp Seven Capital Andrey Kolodyuk Brent Dedecker Jerome Leclanche Helen Uvarenko UA Mariia Koshkina Alisa Obraztsova Henriette Roggeman Enzo Grillo Omar Zayan Iegor Galias Nia Khechikashvili

Special respect to: Farsight Vision, AeroMotors, HIMERA, Index Hub, Indra Tech, Kitsoft 🇺🇦,, Only U Bank, WheelKeep, Algo Alto, SHIPNEXT.



